Monday, October 4, 2010

Mac Book Pro and Apple in general

In relation to iPhone 4 and getting a new cellphone, I came to think of the Mac Book Pros and how ingeniously designed they are. I especially like the unibody philosophy seen in the picture. Basically, the whole mac is a single aluminium shell. That results in a very unique and timeless design -- which I like!

I also hear that Macs have more gigabytes than PCs in general, and so are faster. Does the design maybe have something to do with this? (aerodynamics, etc?) Anyways if I wanted a Mac I would go for a Mac Book Pro 13" or 15" -- I hear they're the fastest in terms of size. They also have the new Intel graphics and harddrivers, which make them really fast when you need to shutdown quickly. You can also upgrade your screen so that you can view webpages more quickly and youtube videos more smoothly.

Too bad it doesn't play games that well, but you can always upgrade it with better parts so you can run the games better.

Macs are also pretty expensive. What do you guys think? Are they worth it?


  1. For the looks Macs are worth it! They are really cool. A mac and an iPhone 4 and you'll get laid instantly!

  2. Apple products are the bomb, but... if you upgraded any PC to the same features that a standard iMac or MBP comes with, you would pay a lot more. Honestly, for games, I'd rather spring for an Atari. It runs much better games. 8D j/k

  3. yes...i think they are worth it

    supporting you!

  4. Idk, i knever learned to work with them so it's very hard to take the step to Mac's.
    They are very expencive indeed.

  5. As for me, I have the disposable income for it, and I'm willing to pay a premium for better looking stuff. I'm not all elitist about it.

    For example, if you want a nice car, you can get a Hyundai Genesis Coupe (heard they're getting better). That's like getting a nice PC. For me, I'd rather go with the BMW 5 Series. It performs great, looks great, and helps with the chicks. That's like the Mac. People will hate on you for it because you "wasted" money, but I'm happy with my purchases, which is the most important.

    Of course PCs are customizable, and I have to use one for work. I just choose to get schnazzier looking stuff.

  6. Macs still seem somewhat overrated to me. The argument that no one hacks their computers is BS and if one of the periferals break you're pretty much screwed. Still the iphone is pretty sweet.

  7. I'm actually planning on buying a 15 inch very soon. I might post a review after using it for a little while.

  8. having a mac is like having a nice looking house with fixed furniture

  9. "I also hear that Macs have more gigabytes than PCs in general, and so are faster." Macs don't really have better hardware than PC. Sometimes they are worse than hi-end PC setups (setups about same mac price). Why they are faster (o but not always) is due to operating system design. Since MacOSx is designed only to support small range od hardware (those of mac), it can use some of the tricks that full hardware range OSes like Linux or Windows cannot.

  10. Oh, i forgot to respond to Your question. Personally I wouldn't go for a mac, since they are really expensive and for the same price I can get really better PC. What I'd go for is their Mac OS. It's really nice, unless you're a hardcore gamer, or need to do some specific works and need windows or linux.

  11. i don't really like macs so meh

  12. I don't get what people see it macs.
    the only people who have them are usually hipsters or computer illiterates or both.
    use linux and like every great person does :)

  13. Macs are well designed as far as the shell and outer parts, but as far as hardware goes, it's not much different than PCs.

  14. I've used Macs and PC's I still do, the rumor of Macs not crashing is an all out lie. I also prefer PC's more for the fact if something in it breaks you don't need to replace the ENTIRE computer.

  15. I use both... they're just computers to me.

    Willow, if you're pro, you don't need to replace the entire computer when something breaks on a Mac. Sure, some components may be fused to the motherboard, but people are so n00b that they get a new computer when a Mac breaks. There's a plethora of spare parts on eBay.

  16. wow! thanks for all the insight guys! i've learned so much.. i thought macs never crashed, and you had to buy a new one if something broke.. which would be lame. :/

  17. great post !

    you have my support
    take care.

  18. awesome post, cheers

  19. overpriced imo.

    Glad I popped by =D

  20. thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  21. Thinking about getting a mac, might have to.

  22. way overpriced... got my pc laptop for 850 and the same specs a a 15 mac pro which sells for 1500

  23. My sugar momma bought me a Macbook Pro... I didn't have to spend a dime. U mad?

  24. I cant really afford a mac, so the decision is made for me

  25. really.. overpriced..
    nice post
    following ya

  26. Don't get a mac.

    Plain and simple, DON'T GET A MAC EVER.

  27. Well I have used both and the mac did perform faster then the pc usually did. However I am more familiar with my PC in terms of care and maintenance so I would probably spend my money on a comparable PC over a Mac.

  28. Macs are expensive, therefore, not
