Thursday, October 14, 2010

Airplanes with Wi-Fi? I'm, back!

So, I've been out of town for a few days on a trip -- but now I'm back!

While sitting on the plane, I came to think of the new concept of "wireless internet connection on planes"; a concept that is quite paradoxal, to me. You see, when boarding the plane, you are always told to turn of all electric devices -- especially those with transmitters. Now, what's the point of wireless internet in the cabin, if you can't enable your wireless transmitter? It's beyond me...

Anyways, sorry for the lack of activity lately! But now I'm back, and it's nice to see the response on my last entry. :)


  1. Wow how random. I didn't know they did that. And yay for being back!

  2. lol i had to read it all the way through. good stuf!

  3. I think that they have made it so that you can use your laptop and such on planes now. Something with the new instruments and systems. But regardless glad to have you back hope you had a good trip?

  4. Welcome back. That is pretty weird too.

  5. I know that a few airlines are now going to be carrying wifi.....

  6. Olá, bom dia! Realmente os transmissores interferem na navegação da aeronave, os que existem na cabine do piloto são restritos, só usam um canal de comunicação ele é exclusivamente para isso, gostei muito do Blog , abraços do Brasil.

  7. Airplanes with wifi would be so much win.

  8. well this is rather exquisite if i do say so myself.

    birds swimming under water and sharks riding bicycles would be just.... (terrifying) dandy! =)


  9. lol. plane wifi is pretty cool though. nice blog, you got a new follower!

  10. They don't want ur computer interfering with ground control, but once you are 50 gazillion feet in the air, it's really the case that the only wireless communications you receive can come from the plane. So, that's why you would be allowed to use them in the air and not when on the ground.

  11. In my minds eye, drop patches hang from the sealing over every seat. XD

  12. Finally something to do on planes!

  13. I think that with satellite, we could achieve a very manageable download and upload connection.

  14. I heard about that. I really think that the transmitter thing is more force of habit than necessity now... I can't imagine a mobile causing a failure. Wifi on a plane would make flying so much more bearable.

  15. Hmm, very good point, I have never thought about that! :D

  16. how would airplanes have wifi? wouldn't they have to use radio waves as well?

  17. Take off and landing are the most dangerous parts of the flight, ask a pilot and he'll tell you that every landing is a controlled crash. these transmitters mess with the instruments in the flight deck, so that is why you have to turn off on take off and landing. But while in flight the pilots just hit auto pilot and everything works fine. IDK why. so wifi on a plane is great but only for in flight use.

  18. hm. idk why they tell you to turn off the devices, but im sure that i will not disobey when im miles in the air! haha
